In the rise of the #MeToo movement in India, many known personalities from different fields have been named and shamed on different social media platforms. One of the recent names added to the list of alleged accusers is Bollywood singer Anu Malik. Singer Sona Mahapatra and Shweta Pandit, have earlier accused Anu of sexual misconduct. Now, two more women have come forward and shared their horrific experience with the singer.
One of the victims, whose identity has not been revealed, talked to Mid-Day and said that she met Malik in 1990 at Mehboob Studios where he rubbed himself against her and apologised. She went on to reveal that things got out of hands later when they had to collaborate on a fund-raiser.
Revealing about the incident that took place at Anu’s house, she said, “He sat next to me on the sofa. I realised I was trapped as his family was not at home. He then lifted my skirt and dropped his pants. I thought of pushing him and rushing out the door, but he was too strong for me. Luckily, the doorbell rang at that moment.”She said that he threatened her and told her not talk about the incident with anyone.
“It was around 8.30pm when he drove into a dark, empty maidan. Scared, I asked him where we were. But he simply unzipped his pants and asked me to lick him! I told him no and urged him to let me go, but he pulled me by my hair and stuffed my face in his lap, hurling abuses,” the victim added.
Another victim revealed that Anu had asked her to meet at his place wearing a chiffon saree. She said that just when she was about to leave, he tried to hug her.
Finding herself trapped at the moment, the second victim went on to say, “Panic struck me as I realised the recording studio was sound-proof and no one would hear me even if I screamed. I pushed him away and said, ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ The sick pervert immediately broke into his presumably rehearsed line: ‘No, I am happy with my wife, I am a sensitive man!'”.
Earlier, Anu Malik’s lawyer said in a statement, “The allegations made against my client are emphatically denied as completely false and baseless. My client respects the #metoo movement but to use this movement to start a character assassination mission is obnoxious”.
One of the victims, whose identity has not been revealed, talked to Mid-Day and said that she met Malik in 1990 at Mehboob Studios where he rubbed himself against her and apologised. She went on to reveal that things got out of hands later when they had to collaborate on a fund-raiser.
Revealing about the incident that took place at Anu’s house, she said, “He sat next to me on the sofa. I realised I was trapped as his family was not at home. He then lifted my skirt and dropped his pants. I thought of pushing him and rushing out the door, but he was too strong for me. Luckily, the doorbell rang at that moment.”She said that he threatened her and told her not talk about the incident with anyone.
“It was around 8.30pm when he drove into a dark, empty maidan. Scared, I asked him where we were. But he simply unzipped his pants and asked me to lick him! I told him no and urged him to let me go, but he pulled me by my hair and stuffed my face in his lap, hurling abuses,” the victim added.
Another victim revealed that Anu had asked her to meet at his place wearing a chiffon saree. She said that just when she was about to leave, he tried to hug her.
Finding herself trapped at the moment, the second victim went on to say, “Panic struck me as I realised the recording studio was sound-proof and no one would hear me even if I screamed. I pushed him away and said, ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ The sick pervert immediately broke into his presumably rehearsed line: ‘No, I am happy with my wife, I am a sensitive man!'”.
Earlier, Anu Malik’s lawyer said in a statement, “The allegations made against my client are emphatically denied as completely false and baseless. My client respects the #metoo movement but to use this movement to start a character assassination mission is obnoxious”.