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Life Crippled By The Petrolium Blockade, NOC Sends Warning Letter

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

| Khabar Site

Although Indian foreign ministry has directed all their custom authorities to resume regular fuel supply to Nepal, there hasn't been enough  supply even after the third day of their promise. Only few petroleum tankers have entered  Nepal which can't even meet the 10 percent of the high demand now.
Citing the unstable situation on the borders, Indian side had imposed unannounced trade blockade to Nepal right after the promulgation of new constitution in Nepal. In fact Indian side were unhappy for sidelining them from the constitution making process. Nepal as a sovereign nation are never supposed to involve them in our internal matters.
Some Madhesh based parties weren't happy about some Articles in the New Constitution Of Nepal 2072 , like provision of proportionate and Inclusive involvement of all community in all sector of state, citizenship, election constituency based on the population etc. They have been abstracting the
Nepal-India border to pressurize the government for necessary amendment in the constitution. But Nepal were ready to make the amendment and settle their own matters, India shouldn't have stopped supplies on the name of protests inside Nepal.
India were criticized worldwide for their irresponsible act and violation the transportation rights of the landlocked county like Nepal and they finally  promised to resume supply on the 9th day of blockade but it hasn't seen in practice. Very few tankers carrying fuel have entered Nepal. Nepal government  have already announced their inability to provide fuel to all international airlines in Nepal. The public service vehicles are operating on odd-even system and private vehicles have no or very limited petroleum which has badly affected the life in Nepal. Some of the international airlines have already halted their flights to and from Nepal and schools in cities are about to be closed soon.
Nepal Oil Corporation recently has sent it's warning letter to Indian side to bring the supply to normal or Nepal will have to think about their options.
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