Famous music video model Akesha Bista and Sauraam Tuladhar are waiting to see their career in Nepali movie industry through their debut movie "Zindagi Rocks'' which has been released today.Zindagi rocks features Akesha Bista, Sauram Tuladhar and Sonam Pakhrin in lead role directed by Nikesh Khadka who is an experienced music video director. Other actors include Reecha Sharma, Prakriti Shrestha, Kaman Rai, Bikki Pulami etc and carries the story of some youth who tries to establish them into entertainment field but gets into some unexpected problem.Hari Humagain is the cinematographer in the movie and Sujita Shreatha is the executive producer. Zindagi Rocks team believes that the movie will mainly attract the youth audience along with the regular Nepali movie viewers.
Akesha Bista is well known Nepali music video model and was the top 10 contestant of Miss Nepal 2012 whereas Sauram is famous male model in recent music videos.
Akesha Bista is well known Nepali music video model and was the top 10 contestant of Miss Nepal 2012 whereas Sauram is famous male model in recent music videos.