Priyanka is a well known actress in india whereas john is a hollywood singer. Chopra, 36, and Nick Jonas, 26, showed their love on Instagram this Tuesday, October 23. The actress of 'Quantico' published a pic where she played with her nose to her fiancé for three months, with the comment "Bae" and a heart emoji. Nick replied "REEEDDDD DRESSSS."
In addition to showing the world how enamored they are, they say that Priyanka is very busy planning the wedding. They already celebrated their commitment in India , where the two families met.
They really want to combine the wedding traditions of both cultures that are so important to them," a source told Us in September.
"Priyanka is having a great time planning the wedding because it is a mixture of styles and customs of India and the USA, which she knows a lot about."
The couple of lovebirds also has babies in mind. Another insider told the publication earlier this month that the Baywatch star and Jonas Brother "are still talking about having a family together."
"Nick and Priyanka can not wait to get married. They have great chemistry and can not wait to have children. They will wait until after the wedding to start trying to get pregnant. But it's definitely the plan. "
So, soon wedding and then the army of children ... Good Luck!