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Cindy Crawford worried about the weight of her daughter Kaia Gerber?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

| Khabar Site

The daughter of Cindy Crawford , Kaia Gerber is a model and for many is very thin, there is a report that says her mother is worried.

In the new edition of OK! Magazine reports that Kaia Gerber is hideously skinny. Scary Skinny! The publication claims that Kaia's closest friends and family, including her mom Cindy Crawford , are worried about skeletal figure.

It's clear that Kaia may be the new star, but the industry pressure seems to be affecting it.

She is only 16 years old and is already stressed about wearing a size zero. Everyone is scared that they are not at a healthy weight.

Cindy has allegedly advised her to keep a "thin" figure rather than looking "skeletal." "Kaia really values ​​her mom's opinion." "Everyone expects her to hear it."

You can see some photos of Kaia and her brother Presley here . They say they are very thin, and that the pressure of being models is a lot. What do Farandulistas think? Cindy was never a skeletal model ... it would be sad if her daughter got sick for being a model.

Kaia, with her brother Presley, and her parents Cindy and Rande

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