Teriya Magar has won the Trophy of famous Indian TV Reality Dance Show aired in Colors TV since last 5 months.
Teriya took away the Title among three finalist who were Salman Yusiff Khan, Santanu Maheshwari and Teriya Magar.
Salman Yusuff Khan has bagged the First Runner Up Title whereas Santanu became the Second Runner Up.
Teriya has won a cash prize of 3 Million IC equivalent of 4.8 Million Nepali rupees along with the title.
Since the competition reached the final stage, the winner was selected from the Judge's score and also from Public voting.
Like in the past Nepalese and many Indians across the world voted Teriya continuously until the voting lasted on 19th January 2017 which started on 14th January 2017.
Teriya got a lot of votes specially from Nepalese people working aboard where many online medias and Facebook pages including Jay Nepal Foundation had shared and called for the vote through out the whole week.
Salman Yusuff Khan has bagged the First Runner Up Title whereas Santanu became the Second Runner Up.
Teriya has won a cash prize of 3 Million IC equivalent of 4.8 Million Nepali rupees along with the title.
Since the competition reached the final stage, the winner was selected from the Judge's score and also from Public voting.
Like in the past Nepalese and many Indians across the world voted Teriya continuously until the voting lasted on 19th January 2017 which started on 14th January 2017.
Teriya got a lot of votes specially from Nepalese people working aboard where many online medias and Facebook pages including Jay Nepal Foundation had shared and called for the vote through out the whole week.
Teriya earlier had won the title of DID Little Masters in 2014.
Teriya is currently studying at a School in Mumbai and aims to become a successful Choreographer in future.
Congratulation Teriya Faunja Magar and all the supporters !
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