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Parties Agree To Promulgate New Constitution By August 10

Saturday, July 25, 2015

| Khabar Site

Four major parties have came to an agreement to promulgate the new constitution by 10th August through the fast track. In a four party meeting held at PM Sushil koirala's residence, leaders of Nepali Congress, CPN- UML, CPN Maoist and Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum-democratic have discussed about the possible dates and finalized 10th August.
new constitution promulgation date in Nepal
Leaders have also discussed about how to address people's suggestion came through the 2 days nationwide Public Opinion and Suggestion programme.
There has been thousands of public suggestion on various topics on the draft constitution. Directly elected Executive head, Religious freedom or Secularism, citizenship through both father and mother's name, state borders marking etc have heavy number of suggestions.

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