There has been a commitment of around 4 billon USD by multilateral and bilateral donor agencies for Nepal's reconstruction.In the International Conference On Nepal's reconstruction 2015 organized by Nepal government. There were 239 delegates from 53 countries and donor agencies who participated in the conference and announced their support.
The event was organized in Soaltee Plaza Hotel and inagurated by Prime Minister Sushil Koirala.A moment of silence was observed at the beginning to respect those deceased in the earthquake. A 10 minutes long documentary was presented to summarize the damage caused in the earthquake. Foreign Affairs minister Mahendra Bahadur Singh has called the conference asking for support whereas Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat had presented the statistics of the damage and the estimate of the necessary funds needed for Nepal's reconstruction. After that Indian and Chinese foreign ministers and other delegates from the donor agencies called the conference and announced their supports including technical supports.
Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission, Prof Dr Govinda Raj Pokhrel and said that development partners have committed more than Nepal had expected. Now we all need to work together to rebuilt Nepal, he added. Pokhrel had presented the Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) report in the conference.
The chief Secretary Lila Many Paudel had termed the conference as a success.