The most anticipated movie Chocolate produced by Pujana Pradhan and former national player Khusi Gurung will be premiered from Hong Kong on 28th June 2015 at Yau Ma Tei Community Hall, HK. Chocolate is directed by famous Tito Satya actor/director Nirmal Sharma (Gainda) featuring Poojana Pradhan and Dr Aayushman Ghimire on lead role.Dr. Ghimire is also the winner of Mr Nepal 2011.Other actors include Keshab Bhattarai, Kamal Mainali, Sunita Thakur, Anuj Shakya, Namrata Jha, Suman Gaire etc.
Chocolate is mainly based on the story of street children and also shows the love relationship of the main characters. Poojana herself has adopted few street children for last couple of years.
Producer Khusi Gurung has taken all the responsibility of Hong Kong premiere .Khusi had also organized the Hong Kong Kaira Runway Fashion Show 2014 successfully whereas actor Dr. Ayushaman Ghimire is unhappy for keeping him on shadow during all the movie promotion campaign. Cool down Mr Ghimire! this is what happens when the producers act on their own films.