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Round Table Talks Cancelled After Baidhya's No Show

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

| Khabar Site

all party political conference fails after mohan baidhya no showHighly anticipated political round table talks has been cancelled after Baidhya and his team rejected the talks at the final hour.Prime minister Sushil Koirala and other party leaders have left the meeting place when Baidhya and other 33 parties didn't show up in the meeting at the given time.They even waited several minutes and Koirala called Baidhya from the meeting place where Baidhya was explaining his excuses why his allies rejected today's conference.Infuriated and felt betrayed,  Koirala then rushed to the canteen where lunch was prepared for the participants of the conference.Prime minister and many other leaders, journalists took lunch and left in a sad mood.Leader Narahari Aacharya has said that the chance of all party meeting has ended whereas Baidhya team has said that they still want to come to the Round Table Talk when other parties are ready for extensive talk about peace process, constitution drafting and other problems of the nation.Nepali Congress and other large parties have said that this meeting was set to talk only about constitution drafting.
After several rounds of formal and informal talks between parties, the government was ready to call the all party conference where they were supposed to talk about formation of new constitution. Baidhya and his faction had opposed the last election of Constitution Assembly saying only the All Party Round Table Talk would be able to draft the new constitution.
Once again, the failure to initiate the round table talk has saddened all the patriotic leaders and the general people.
Mohan Baidhya has released a statement explaining why they have rejected today's all party conference. 
statement by mohan baidhya after round table talk failed

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